Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Beach

“You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific? They say it has no memory. That’s where I want to live the rest of my life. A warm place with no memory. Open up a little hotel right on the beach. Buy some worthless old boat and fix it up new. Take my guests out charter fishing.“ – Andy says this to Red ,in the movie Shawshank Redemption, few hours before he escapes from the Shawshank Prison , after spending about 2 decades in the prison for a crime that he did not do.

“It has no memory”, thats the strongest word one could use about the sea and the beach.The beach I usually go, has got benches to sit, for the beach walkers.Every night, after work, I used to sit on one of those benches and look at the sea as I would look at the eyes of my beloved people to hear the words the sea would say.It never said anything.Never.It kept quiet all the time as if ‘Silence’ is the best conversation between two people.

It has been there for a long time, Nobody knows since when?!. How many people it would have seen? How many steps would have been walked on its shore? How many words it would have heard? How many promised and broken loves? How many ‘loud cry’ of the hearts? How many stimulating thoughts, inventions,dreams,hopes – It would have offered?,Still, It keeps quiet, as if being silent is being powerful.May be all the great people learned to be silent after learning it from the sea.

I never thought: ‘Sea’ is neither a non-living thing nor it has no Life – for the sound it makes through its waves, for the stories it hears,for the comfort it provides to the broken hearts, It is alive all the time, forever.Every time I see it , It makes me understand the eternity of the Universe and the fragility of the Humans and their life.It makes us realize our self-consciousness as if it is a mirror of one’s own conscience.It is also one of the stimulants of beautiful and powerful thoughts apart from loneliness and darkness, sometimes along with loneliness and darkness.

At nights, When the moon is brighter, It casts silver lines of enduring happiness on its surface.It makes me feel ‘Sea’ as a smiling friend.I used to wonder why do people love to spend time in the beach, even if many people go together , they don’t talk much , because, sometimes, All one wants to hear is ‘Silence’ and to talk through one’s own heart and that silence makes us feel that the entire universe belongs to us – including the sea and its elements.

In the morning,The vibrant white waves gives hope,energy and the determination to ‘go on’ in life.Sometimes, It is a compassionate mother who forgives one’s mistakes and makes one a new born baby , Sometimes a shelter , Sometimes a playground , Sometimes a home , and at times , It is – heaven.

Each of us is like a tiny dust in front of a huge mountain to it.Still,It accepts , loves, and allows us to play with , to befriend , and even, to curse it.Thats the greatness of it.Truth be told, Spending time in the beach, looking at the sea, are my passionate living moments.

One of my dreams is to travel in a ship through Atlantic Ocean, as how Jack Dawson was able to in ‘Titanic’ , and while traveling I will remember all my happy moments , including this moment of sharing this with you, and to cherish them along with the Ocean for – “It has no memory”.

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