Sunday, June 27, 2010


At 12th Class , When I was asked what would you want to do ? I always said, I wanted to become a Doctor or an Engineer. I wasn't sure If I was answering what I really wanted to do. I was answering with the notion that people would respect or like if I said such answers. For no compelling reasons, I wanted to take up Computer Science and Engineering and study - may be again for the same reason that people would respect or like If I said I am a "Software Engineer". I did the course with no interest in learning any of the subjects that are taught. By the beginning of the last year , I wanted to do an MBA because , I thought I will be paid more and would love that job of 'management' - I thought 'Management' is to do things that are required, with systematic plan and to help in the evolution of the things that you manage. Soon, I realized , It is very difficult to be an honest and virtuous manager, So the idea of doing a management course was slightly fading away. At times, I used to think, this software engineer job is better than any other job - because as long as you do your job , nobody questions you anymore - because I never want to be questioned!!! There is\was\has been\will be always an oscillation like a pendulum what do I really wanted to do with my time.!!!

This is my 6th year in the software industry, I have seen smart, intelligent, genius people in my experience. "BalusC" - that is his code name in forums and in the Internet world - has inspired me more than any one as a "Technologist". I came to know(only through forums) him recently and was really amazed to see his contribution to the world Java and JSF community. If I try to understand his investment in time to do such things , I understand , truly understand , the meaning of two English nouns - "Learning" and "Contribution". Can you imagine more than 30K posts in Sun Forums and more than 64K reputation in SO and which is increasing at the rate of 100 per hour. Its truly amazing. Hats Off BalusC.

BalusC - The Learner

His blogspot URL BalusC Code depot has become a first point reference for any JSF Stuff. His Curiosity to learn, to learn perfectly , is something that I really aspire for. In future, If I ever say to someone , I was once a software engineer with confident and joy , It must have been only because of you.

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