Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Serene flowers - Imaginations

A friend of mine who had recently come from a famous tourist place called me and said," Its such a wonderful place and you missed it".I replied,"I didn't miss it, I saw the same place from here as beautiful as you could see - in my imagination".We had a very long discussion convincing each other, at the end I was able to convince my friend.I said, " Imagination is more powerful than reality, in fact only a very little percentage of the imaginations are seen in the reality.

Every creation - book, movie,product,invention and every action starts with a thought.It is in the imagination that every creation is conceived and nurtured.If it was true that Reality is better than Imagination, How Helen Keller was able to enjoy and create the best creations of the world.She was able to imagine everything in a better way than it was in real.

It is your dreams that make you up.Dreams are your visuals in your imagination.Everything is built in the thoughts, in a perfect architected way.People love to dream and love to get lost in thoughts because it makes them more happier than the reality. I remember, one of my friends asked me once, "Does it count if you are happy in your dreams?". I think , it does.The dreams that make you happy, give you the 'energy', the positive force that is required to act and to live.

Sometimes, the reality can make you work within the boundaries, to think within the boundaries. In the corporate world, they say , "think out of the box", which actually means to deviate from the conventional thinking - to think by not considering the real world or what is already existing - to not to be constrained by the regular thinking habits.For example, if you are reading a book or watching a movie or trying to learn a new subject or concept in physics or in maths, your thinking might be aligned to a particular direction, you may not be able to think freely in all directions - in a circular way.

It is your own thinking that makes you wise not the reading or just consuming that was let out to consume - like reading a book, learning a subject, listening to a tape. One has to first generate thoughts before creating something new.The simple example would be, suppose you want to be artist - Instead of thinking of joining a drawing class or an art class, try thinking about what makes an artist an artist? what does an artist really do? Is it just drawing pictures? when one has thought about the various dimensions of it, then he or she can opt for a tutor to enhance his or her skills because it is in your imagination, you first become what you wanted to be, than in reality.The other way of saying this is, "suppose if you want to be a writer, then don't go out and get books of various writers or authors and start reading and analyzing - how they write? How all a book or an article can be written? - instead, think about writing and think you are a writer, when you think about being a writer - you get topics or titles about which you can write, How different you can write the same thing? - what all is possible in writing? - when you think you have thought about all the dimensions, then you can go out and get the books, analyze the authors and do all such would be surprised to see that the result of all such analysis and exercises would definitely be the subset of what you have thought about in the beginning.This does not applicable only to writing. This is perfectly applicable to anything you really want to do.

If possible, I'd love to be lost in thoughts, always and forever.To think about the existing things as "Why?" and to think about the non-existing things as "Why not?". Serene flowers are your thoughts and imaginations that make your life beautiful and lovely.

This post is dedicated to Leonardo Da Vinci who showed the world, that a human can think about anything and to change and to create.

Serenity & Harmony.

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