Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Why is Art respected so much?

For the last few days I have been thinking should i continue writing or should i stop and delete this domain and concentrate on the things that are meaningful - but i am not sure what is meaningful and what is worth doing?! because the so called Creations like Movies, Books, Arts, Inventions are meaningful and inspiring only to a few percentage of the people and the rest of the world believes in daily chores.In the past, and even at times, I have thought that being a Mechanic or a Carpenter will be more satisfying than being a writer - for - Sometimes, I think the creations are truthful or useful only to a few particular moments, even those moments, cannot be guaranteed, but on the other side , the daily chores or the real jobs are always satisfying.Even the Carpentering, may sometimes use a bit of creativity and thinking at times, it is the real job.It is always useful to someone, for sure.Sometimes, I think why the 'Art' is/was respected so much than these other, commonly identified as "less significant things" - Is it because of the demand? Or is it because of the Passion within us ? or is it just a Hype? Or is it because that Human Brain cannot use one side of the Brain continuously for a long time?

I remember What George Bernard shaw said , "The reasonable men adapts to the world, The unreasonable men does not, and try to change the world, and so all the improvements are because of the unreasonable men." Invariably, All great men talked about "Creations" and because of which there is a progress.So, What is a Creation?- Its a new thought. either in the right or in the left brain. Every new thought becomes either as an art or as a science.

It is these two words that rule the world. Art and Science. It is stupid to compare these two, But I have always thought that Art is respected more than the science because of the number of contributors to Art. Leonardo DaVinci and Rene Descartes are the only men who had contributed equally to the world of Art and Science. true renaissance - isn't it?

If you asked, why did I start writing again? - I am convinced in the concept of energy-levels and contribution - more on these later.

Serenity & Harmony.

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