Saturday, December 19, 2009

Whats your Philosophy?

Whoever knows me would not complain or yell ,If i say “Oh I forgot” or “I don’t remember” for their questions, because, I forget things very easily.And, Every time , I say these sentences , I am proud of it. I don’t know why. I still consider forgetting things is a boon in Life.At only a very few times, Its a curse – for Instance , If you forget your favorite character in a movie or in a book.Even then, It doesn’t hurt , as long as you have access to Google.

I cannot justify , Why i had written such a stupid and contradicting opening paragraph for this title?! hmmm .. May be there is a justification. I don’t exactly remember When i first started thinking about philosophies and about Philosophers. I have a very vague memory of well-built , bearded , differently-dressed , saint-like people Who were shown in textbooks as Philosophers , especially Greek Philosophers and were described as “Greatest minds”. Socrates , Plato , Aristotle - The three famous Philosophers, of that age and generation, Whose works are still respected and read all over the world.

“Philosophy” did not seem to be just a logic to me at first. But When days went , I realized it as just a rational thinking which holds true always, and forever. For example: If you are convinced , ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’ – is a philosophy , One can go on quoting so many examples like these : ‘A face is the index of the mind‘ , ‘Tell me who your friend is , I tell you who you are‘ , ‘The greatest thing is to love and to be loved‘ and so on.

Philosophy is the crisp form of saying a truth. You could call it as a ‘quote’ or an ‘adage’ or a ‘proverb’ or even a ’sentence’ but i love to call it as a Philosophy – If it is a rational truth.

Ever since I liked Philosophy, Ever since I liked rational minds and their processing power, Ever since I liked to think about the ultimate truth , I wanted to have a philosophy with which i can guide my life simply. Since then, I have always had philosophies in my life.

Until few years ago , My Philosophy was ‘If you do not compare or compete with others everyone will respect you‘ ,this was by a philosopher called ‘Lao tzu’, When i first read it, It was eternal and enlightening, I felt like as if I have found my perfect Philosophy. I liked many of his philosophies especially his philosophies on “Leadership”. But No Philosophy lasts long because sometimes your guiding philosophy will not help you or It might not suit well for few occasions and in certain contexts. This philosophy did not last long.

When i saw Shawshank Redemption, I liked the sentence Andy Dufresne wrote to his friend Red and it became my philosophy – ‘Hope is a Good thing and no good thing ever dies’. You would not believe the power in these words. You can only realize it.

At times, I tried to find my own – ‘ To live with no fear in doing things that one likes and if it hurts none‘ , ‘To influence others life positively ‘ and so on.

But you know what , As someone has already said, “change is the only constant thing in the world“. The Philosophies or the guiding philosophies keep changing.If you have already found one which you don’t have to change , Please share , I would like to think about it.

By the way , I did not mention – my philosophy now is ‘move on‘ – I wanted to make this as a tagline for one of my upcoming brands and so I searched in web to see if it is already being used , I found that this is the tagline of the famous Watch and Glasses company ‘fasttrack’.

So Whats your philosophy?

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