Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The idea of enlightened existence -1

Note : This series (1-3) has got serious philosophical content and may influence the reader very deeply. I wish you only consider reading this as for time-pass or for an entertainment.The conclusion is in the 3rd part.

It all starts with Life and living it - The Purpose of Life.Recent days, I generate thousands of thoughts everyday.With the continuous bombardment of thoughts in the mind, I am beginning to understand few things and I can experience that it makes me happy.

When it comes to nature,It is always cyclic or anything that is cyclic is natural.Man's intelligence comes from his learning, learning from his experiences.Experiences that he or the universe exposes himself to the systems around and within.The Learning starts from understanding the senses of the body - Eg: "fire is hot , do not touch it". The human body being the most complex system in the world - starts our learning process early in our lives.In the process of learning,we find few truths - Eg: "fire is hot , do not touch" and so on.The truth, that an individual finds, is a truth to that particular individual based on his/her learning ability and depending on the exposure. We accept something as truth, if it is a convincing statement, by our own experience and our understanding of that experience.So, each one of us finds truths in our after the other, the search keeps going on to find the ultimate, the desire or urge to express, all truths as a single truth, which is eternal and composes every other truth.The truth to someone might not be a truth to someone else, but there are some truths which are universal, which means the experience , from which each of us found the truth was experienced exactly the same way. As there are universal truths, there are universal questions too - like - is God there? is Fate there? - the purpose of Life ? and so on. As long as these questions remain in us, the search for the answers continues - the search for the truths continue. This process of pursuing the truths after truth continues by loving the things that are being learnt till the death.

The truth is a convincing statement or a convincing answer to a question. The very nature of the truth , especially, the universal truths - is, it reveals itself somehow, naturally, or using the elements of the nature - like for example - Human Mind is an element of nature.Every noble creation has such universal truth as the core of it - and that must have been the only possible reason that it is available & well-received in the first place. The creation is just a manifestation of a truth, that the creator has found in his/her process of learning something.Finding a truth is a joy - one cannot comprehend it intellectually but only experientially.

When the process of learning continues, creations happen.Creations - Art and Science make people joyous if it has a truth in it.Any Creation which has a universal truth as a core of it - will definitely be well-received.When the accumulation of truths happen, you acquire intelligence.The intelligence is from learning the systems around and within, and finding a truth after truth.The systems, Natural and Artificial, distinctly creates, Natural intelligence and Artificial intelligence. The Artificial intelligence - the intelligence you acquire out of systems that man made after curiously learning the natural systems around him over the period of time.In essence,its just a subset of the Natural intelligence. These two intelligences, when it is very well seasoned, becomes our Intuitive intelligence - which means, we learn, understand and find the truth,just by looking at it.Eg: Every person that we meet has got a unique gait, from which we can learn the person.Learning is different from judging.By Learning,we accept people as they are.

The idea of enlightened existence -2

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