Sunday, November 21, 2010

The idea of enlightened existence -2

Note : This series (1-3) has got serious philosophical content and may influence the reader very deeply. I wish you only consider reading this as for time-pass or for an entertainment.The conclusion is in the 3rd part.

Living is Learning and Loving
"Learning", by itself is never perfect or complete, its a process that never ends. The process of learning is perfect only when we do it freely.Free from past, future and free from failures and free from everything except the thing that is being learnt.When we learn, we find truths and those are our happiness.So when one starts living every moment, the learning never stops and the journey of Life is joyous than ever.If you are learning something or in the middle of learning something and you love it while doing, you are living.

Living the moment?
When one starts living every moment,Learning is a bliss.Life too.Living every moment is difficult - because the body does something and the mind thinks something.When the coordination between the mind and the body drops, the concentration drops.Doing is an action and thinking is a thought.The first attributes to the body and the second attributes to the Mind.The drop of concentration doesn't mean that one should never think, when thinking is the action (Of all the actions, thinking is also an action ), think well.After you have thought about it,and when one acts on it, one should just act , the mind just gives commands and observes whether the body is doing right or wrong - thats how this truth came - "Think before you act".When the mind observes what the body does,it doesn't travel in the past or in the future. Only, the mind, can be in the past and in the future and the body can never be.This requires a lot of practice, playing games will definitely help - in general - any physical activity that is observed by the mind will increase the concentration power and would help people to live in the moment.When living the moment has become an habit, people accept the situation as it is and accept people as they are. Fear, Anger, Hatred,Jealousy will vanish.

When this learning , living happens with intense love - man ends up finding different dimensions and feel the joy every moment of Life.When one learns the systems around and within, and in that process, one understands/learns the fellow human and fellow creatures and the entire universe.When that happens,one realizes he/she is part of it anyway.It is this intense learning that makes the human accept the situation as it is and people as they are - and makes him to think and do what is required now?with that state of body,mind and soul one thinks every life on the planet is as equal as his/hers is and makes him a "universal human being" - not belonging to any particular country,religion. When that happens - the purpose of Life automatically happens within you - one finds what he/she should do now? Buddha , Lao Tzu and so many others walked on this planet as enlightened ones. After enlightenment, their purpose was always "to influence the lives of others positively - that is to bring success and joy to them". Even this is cyclic, Only if you are joyful,you can impart this into others. (This whole thought and learning of enlightenment was from the Isha Inner Engineering program that I attended recently (No Idea why attended?! - may be because , I wanted to practice waking up early in the morning because the classes were early in the morning )- especially - this concept of compassionate consideration for fellow creatures but I had already thought that "influencing others' life positively would be the ultimate motive for any human - see "The Purpose of Life" )

The idea of enlightened existence -3

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